October 5, 2009 by

Hello! This is your banner maker, Screechie. My laptop is hibernating, but it won’t turn off for a while. And the computer I’m using right now does not have my banner making system (Adobe Photoshop). So I will not proceed making banners until my laptop turns off, but don’t worry-its in the charger, so when it turns off, the laptop will be fully charged. Question? Here are some that I have answers from:

Why are you talking so weirdly?

That is because I dont have any other words to speak of.

Why is this post called ‘…’?

Heh, the ‘…’ looks like a smiley. But its called that because-well what would I call it? “This blog is closed down for further notice”?


Cos’s banner

October 5, 2009 by

Cos Banner

Can’t really see the lightning in the back, but you can see the Stained Glass. There is no picture, you can see ‘Cos’, and cos if you want me to add in a picture, I will certainly do that. This is the first one. The second one will be in a seperate post.


New Banner-ModosaurKaro

October 4, 2009 by

Hi guys!

Karo Banner copy

I made a new banner! If you want your banner like this, comment below your webosaurs name than I’ll make it.


New Blog

October 4, 2009 by

Hi Everyone!

Did you ever want a banner of your own? That looks awesome? Then you came to the right blog! Here, I, Screechie will make banners for YOU! Yes, YOU! On one page that I will make, there will be some examples of banners I already made. On another page, there will be a questions about how you would like your background and what pictures you want on your banner.


Hello world!

October 4, 2009 by

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!